Project Daaisu and... Spoilers?!



Ever heard of it? Okay, well, here's the info:

Project Daaisu Info

Release Date: January 18th

Creator: PrincessDaisy1 (BRONY)

Who Daaisu is: Daaisu Takushita is a character who was made by the creator of Project Daaisu. She is a fourteen-year-old girl who normally wears a side ponytail, and “flash dance” clothing. In BRONY's fanfiction, the first fanfiction including Daaisu, she has a large crush on Kagamine Len.

Description: Project Daaisu is an activity or “project” that anyone can participate in. It will consist of contests, activities and other things of the like dealing with fanart and fanfictions. It is to help her become a popular, well-known character in the anime community. The purpose of this “project” is just for entertainment. Have fun!


The idea is still developing, so yeah.


AND, I need all of your help, too.

Also, I put my name in capital letters because my name is BRONYgurl, so yeah. People just call me "Brony" when we're just being casual and stuff. XD
Anyway, but would y'all please help me out? I'm not joking.

Spread the word about it please, and on the day it comes out, please become a part of it!

I'm really excited, and I want this to be popular...

Please? I have an official blog for it too, and this isn't the one. It's on WubBubble-Z's account. But PLEASE help me, guys. PLEASE. T3T

It seems like I only have one person who frequently posts on my blog.

SO WHO EVER YOU ARE, COMMENT AND STUFF!!!!! You can also comment without an account, so if you're reading this without an account, comment. Please.

Help meh.


So, I'm writing spoilers for part two of book two of my fanfictions.

I lied to you in the title. I'm not really giving out spoilers, though I can give hints. XD

Well.. I'm gonna go now!!

