I Can't Believe It's Over

I haven't been able to post for the last week because it was hell week for the musical that we were doing. Tonight was the last performance and I came home crying because I already miss it so much. We did one last night and tonight was our final night.

And... Now I'm crying. But I know they (as in the other people in the musical) wouldn't want me to cry... We were all there for each other and stuff. I don't know why I'm getting all over dramatic about it... I guess I just really really loved everyone in it. I'll see them again on Wednesday, but it'll just be different... We won't all be together, I guess.

I made so many friends and became closer with everyone and honestly... It feels like we just started yesterday. I just can't believe it's already over.

Honestly, this was the best musical I've been in so far and it was so fun and amazing. Another hard thing for me to do is say goodbye to my characters. I'll never play them again, but it was fun when I did.

It was the first time in a long time that I felt like I was a part of something and I felt appreciated in a large group of people. And I know I'm probably being over dramatic but I'll never forget last night or tonight.

It's the last time I'll be together with everyone, last time I'll sing those songs, last time I'll be those characters, but I'm going to make the memories stay forever, because as silly as the musical was, it was also beautiful in a sense. We all got along and sang together and hugged a lot and just... yeah.


I'm gonna listen to sad songs.

And even though none of the musical cast knows about this blog, I love all of you so much. So so much, it's unbelievable. Our time together was amazing, and I'll remember this forever. This was our last night. There will be many last nights as we said today. So, last night, and goodnight.