Monsanto is a corporation that produces Genetically Engineered seed, and GMO (Genetically Modified Organism) products. You know that soda or the last piece a fruit you had? Well, for the fruit, check the sticker. Is it organic? If it isn't, you shouldn't be eating it. For the soda? You know you shouldn't drink it. It's really bad for you, and packed with disgusting fake... things, like high fructose corn syrup. Which is NOT good or normal for the human body at all. 

Anyway... About the fruit. Fruit nowadays is dangerous. If you eat fruit that isn't organic, it's most likely GMO, which usually means there are little invisible insecticides on the fruit. They inject the foods and soak them in... really gross stuff that my family and I like to call "little food aliens". They are little microscopic... bugs, sort of, that try to keep pests and animals away. But are they good for humans? NO!!!! They can hurt and literally poison humans, those pesticides. They can also make fruit and vegetables look really weird like they're on steroids or something. Seriously. Someday in the future, you might cut into an apple, and find an orange. Gross. It might sound cool, but GMO is NOT okay. Monsanto is a large company that helps produce and manufacture goods (more like BADS) like Twinkies, and all of that gross... HIGHLY unhealthy stuff. Now, if you disagree with me or whatever, I'm sorry. Too bad for you that you don't want to make good desicions. Eating healthy isn't just a title, though. Eating healthy isn't just something you should blow off. Eating healthy is the best you can do for you and your body now. It's more complicated than just having too much sugar. Watch what you eat, or you could turn out obese and unhappy in life, or you could turn out happy and healthy and able to live longer. So, consider this. Monsanto, GMO and all that stuff NEEDS TO GO.

f:id:PrincessDaisy1:20130702080513j:plainOCCUPY MONSANTO.