
... Okay... so I like this guy, and his nickname is Red. My friends and I have a little circle of only the three of us... 'Cause if we tell all our other friends... Stuff's gonna get real. Anyway, my two really good friends out of our whole group of friends and I each have crushes, and we call them by color names. I call mine Red because... ... I dunno why, but he usually wears a shirt that's red. One of my other friends names her crush Yellow, because he always wore a yellow shirt, and then my other friend names her crush Blue, because she has another nickname for him that involves the color blue. So, Red, Yellow, and Blue! XD
Sorry... I got off track there.

Anyway, I like, REALLY like Red... a LOT. I'm even making this thing called a lanyard for him! This is what it looks like so far:

f:id:PrincessDaisy1:20130731130432j:plain It's RED!!!! And black too.

So, basically, you make a lanyard out of this certain sort of string called lanyard string, and then you knot it in a cool way, and it makes this! You could probably just Google how to make a lanyard.

So anyway... yeah. I'm thinking of just being in the middle of a conversation with him, and then I kind of am working on the lanyard, and then I get closed to done with it, and then I'll say "Here, you want this? I don't, really."

I'll just act all nonchalant and cool about it. ... BUT I LOVE HIM SO MUCH!!!!!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!!!!!!!! X3

I act super nonchalant and stuff around him, so he probably thinks I don't have a crush on him... Even though for some reason I feel like he knows... o-o

But I'm not all flirty and nervous around him... At least, I try really hard not to be. I think I'm pretty good at acting normal around him.

But sometimes I act TOO nonchalant, and then I think he thinks I'm a brat... D:

Like, today I was pretty jealous because he was hanging out with a friend of mine who likes him too, and so when he asked me if I had sunscreen on, I was just like "Yeah," all low, and kinda jerky sounding... BUT I FEEL SO BAD!!!!!!! DX

So... I want to make it up to him by having a NICE conversation with him... sometime... I dunno when. But anyway, I'll make it up to him by giving him the lanyard, and acting really nice and sweet... I REALLY don't want him to think I'm a brat...

So yeah. There's my... random obsessed-with-a-dude moment... Whatever.

Okai, bai now!