
Tomorrow... Or today... Since tomorrow will be in four hours...

Anyway, tomorrow  is my Orientation day...! <:D

Anyway, when I was supposed to be finishing summer homework, I was sitting around watching Jenna Marbles, PewDiePie, Epic Rap Battles and a bunch of other random YouTube stuff. And I was poking around on iTunes for songs I should finish my vlogs off with. I WISH I COULD SHOW YOU MY VLOGS!!!!!! I just don't have a YouTube account!!!!! DX

Anyway... Yeah...

I'm a bit nervous, but luckily we aren't doing ACTUAL school... Whew. We're just... eh... orientating? I dunno.


I'm gonna make a signature and a photo for eacho of my blog entries! YAAAYYY!!!! XD
So... Yeah!
(Also, have you caught on that my ending phrase is usually " 'K bai" or "Bai now!"?)

Okai. Bai now! :D


~♪GTBTB♫ (My new sign-off name! XD)