My short Vocaloid rant of the day.

Okay... So I was watching random Vocaloid videos yesterday, and I decided to listen to Magnet, 'cause hey, it's a cool sounding song. I never saw the English subtitles before and this video had it. Oh, and it also had Rin and Len!

It was like, an edit voice sort of thing.

So, I was reading the English subtitles, and right then, I start to feel weird about the song. Just reading the first thing, I'm like, crap, this ain't gonna end well.

I was reading it, and then like, right near the chorus, it says something like "from the lips to the tongue," and I'm like, "WHAT?!?!"
I start screaming random things like, "DUDE!!! KEEP IT TO YOURSELF!!" And stuff. XD
BESIDES, they're mirror images, so why should they be like, making out?!

Wouldn't it be creepy to date basically a genderbend of you?!

So, I'm like, raging over here, and then it says like, "I want you to kiss me, and remake me" or something, and I start raging EVEN MORE. I mean, so many things are going through my head right now, ESPECIALLY since it's Rin and Len.

I'm like thinking:

"Omigod, guys, keep it to yourself"


"Never mind"


"Rin, you're awesome..."


"Go die in a hole, guys..."

"UGH. Shut UP already about it!"


... You know? Stuff like that. XD
And also... When their like... Hmm... how do I put this...

Ehm... It's awkward, but like, running their hand up their side...

I mean, seriously.

And then they're trying to act all sexy and stuff...


I dunno.

At the end I had MANY thoughts running through my head.




"This is f*cking crazy."


"I hate you."

"That was bomb sauce..."

"Rin, stop making me so JEAAALLLOUUUSSSS"


These are basically the faces I'm making through the whole thing. XD

 I'm like... seriously?!
Here's the video if you want to see it. -.-

[Full Rin Len] Magnet マグネット - Kagamine Rin Len DIVA 鏡音リン レン DIVA English lyrics romaji subtitles - YouTube


I don't know why I can't find it in the YouTube selection thing... .-.

Okay, but yeah.

Thanks for listening to my rant.

By the way, I added Electric Angel for you, DJEvans!

Okay, bai now! :D
