My Thoughts On Steroids.

Okay, steroids, guys, are just plain weird to me. They make you all big and buff and they make your voice sound weird. Why the heck do people need steroids?! Or WANT steroids? If you're like, not strong, go to a freaking gym and work out.

Seriously, I think people use steroids 'cause their just weak little f*ckers. (Imagine Jenna Marbles saying that. XD)

Really, it's any drug or anything that just hits me as, uh, RETARDED. Drugs are stupid things  that do no good for us. Like, seriously.

If you do drugs, sorry, but face the facts. They ain't gonna get you anywhere in life. You aren't gonna be successful if ya do drugs. Sorry, but just sayin'. And I know this isn't gonna make you quit, I'm just saying, okay?

So anyway, this was directed towards steroids, which are just plain stupid.

Why did I decide to post this? ...

Not my question to answer.

Okai, peace!



(I'm so random, right?!)