You Have GOT To Read This! :D

Oh my gosh guys, I had SO MUCH fun on Friday night. :D
So I went to this skating place called Skate City for this skating session that went from 6 to 10 PM. I was there with some friends from my school. Let's just call them... Alli and Bri.

XD I dunno.

Okay, anyway, let me tell you the story.

We were there skating around with the music blasting and stuff. Then the lady called for this "crazy trio" game. So, me, Bri, and this other random girl decided to do it. We had to switch directions and stuff everytime the whistle blew. The first time the whistle blew, they turned around, and I fell flat on my butt. It kinda hurt, but it was hilarious. XD
So... Yeah. I guess not much to say, except we had LOTS of fun. Oh yeah, there was like, this ten year old who was taking pictures of herself and crap and being really weird and such a show-off. She was like texting, and doing like, goofy dance moves, but she was acting serious about it, like she was literally trying to show off. It was freaking hilarious. XD
'Kay, Bai now! :D

f:id:PrincessDaisy1:20130821055923j:plain K-ON!