I Passed The Test. >:D

So, in Pre-Algebra, we had a test on like, ... yesterday. Whatever day that was. XD

I'm being stupid right now. ewe

Anyway, we had a test, and I was the only one who passed it my my fourth period Pre-Algebra class!!!!! With the exception of this other dude, of course.

But I was like, "How do you flunk this test?!". It was reallllly simple to me.

So, since so many people flunked, we have to redo the test on Friday.

Thanks, Obama.

Oh yeah. Do any of you watch Jenna Marbles? Well, if you do, you saw the video where she blames everything on Obama, right? XD
It's so funny, and now it's a running joke in my family. My mom is annoyed by it, but my dad and I say it all the time. XDDD

(And no, we aren't Republican. XD)

So yeah! I'm also surprised that I passed the test, because I'm not so good at math. ... Hey... maybe this year is the year to change that. XD
Okai, bai nowzles! :D
#Happy sauce (Whut?! XD)