Today Was a Happy Day!

I had lots of fun today. I went to my... "cousin"'s mom's house (we call each other cousins because we are best friends forever) today. We went to the mall and made Build-A-Bear ponies. I got Rainbow Dash. SHE'S SO EPICLE.

Before that, though, we went to go eat pizza and have SUPER good desserts. Then we went on a roller coaster simulator. THAT was fun. We pretended the Vocaloids were with us, since we both LOVE LOVE LOVE Vocaloid. We also spoke a little Japanese to each other today. I bought my cousin some gum, and she was all like "Arigato" and then I was like "Doitashi masta". XD
And we NEVER said thank you. We always said "Arigato" or "Domo arigato" and we never said you're welcome. We said "Doitashi masta".

... At least I'm pretty sure that's what doitashi masta means. It's something along those lines.

ANYWAY, yeah.

So we got our Build-A-Bears, and I felt so much like a little kid. It was fun.

Then we went to Off Broadway shoes and tried on a bunch of shoes, and goofed off. We also looked at purses and we were like "This is a total Miku purse. Here's Luka's purse. OH! That's is so a Rin purse. That's Kaito's purse. Len gets the same purse as Rin. ... Neru gets the more gold version." And on and on. XD
We gave all the guys purses.

Then we made an inside joke to ALWAYS say 'hashtag' in the middle of conversations. So, we went to this Starbucks vendor in the middle of the mall, and these all popular looking kids got this Bubblegum frappachino. WEIRD.

So, they took a picture and posted it on Instagram or something, and one girl was telling her friend what to say in the post, and she was all "Hashtag" something. We started laughing, and my cousin yelled "HASHTAG!" after them as they walked off. XD
So... we did all that cool stuff, then we went back to her mom's house and listened to dubstep, and went into her stepdad's recording studio, and sang some S3rl in the microphone. It was almost like a professional studio! IT WAS BOMB.

So... then we went to hang out with some of her other family members for a 'house warming' party or something... And we listened to Vocaloid and practiced our S3rl song, "Feel The Melody".

... It was so fun. Then I got emotional... because of the reasons that I'll tell y'all about later, so we went to get milkshakes and stuff.

Then on the way back to my house, my cousin and I talked about boys, like my crush "Red" and her crush from school, and we were kitty-fighting over Len. ... Well, we were arguing over who would get him if he was real. XD
And then I came home, and my dad is being SUPER EXTRA nice to me. ^-^

Okay... anyway, yeah! Today was pretty fun. 0u0
