Project Daaisu... And Other Stuff.

Okay, guys. This is like a really early notice, but I'm starting something called Project Daaisu, and I want A LOT of people to join. It's not gonna start for a while, so yeah, but when it IS Project Daaisu time, I'll tell you everything you need to know. Really, it'll be a lot of fun.

Speaking of Daaisu, my fanfiction is coming along! I've been sitting around all day just writing away! But seriously... Naomi is so mean...

... I said nothing. O-o

Okay, you'll figure out what I mean when you read the story. XD
I played some "Vocaloid Just Dance" today. I made it up. ouo

Okay, so you find a bunch of random Project Diva videos and stuff, and then plug your laptop into the TV or some loud speakers. Unless you're using a computer. Then you probably already have nice loud speakers.

So, play the video, and just... dance to it! It's actually pretty fun. XD

Some of the dances in the videos are pretty complicated, though, so you get a really good work-out. ^-^

Anyway, yeah. Did any of you guys see the picture of Len and Daaisu I drew? I'll post it again, because it seems like y'all neglected it.

f:id:PrincessDaisy1:20131010105639j:plain ^-^

Here. Everything you need to know:



Hachune Miku

Neru (Akita)




Tako Luka



Vocaloid Wiki

Fanloid Wiki

Now you can know everything about Vocaloid like me! Have fun! ^-^

I'm bored. XD
Okay, bai now!
