Everything's Weird.

I don't get stuff. o3o

Just like, stuff in general. I just don't get it. o3o

*Looks at a chair* Like, I don't get that. How does a thing standing on four legs or whatever hold up a human? Like... Whut?!

I dunno.

Lately I've been feeling stupid. XD
Like, really stupid. And tired. And bored. And all that. And VERY EMOTIONAL for NO REASON... Eheheh... Okay, maybe there's a reason. But STILL!!! I've been very emotional and all that crap lately. DX

I make myself mad. I dunno.


Oh, by the way, it seems like people are slowly fading away from here. Or something. EVERYONE AND EVERYTHING IS SUDDENLY ALL BORING AND STUFF!!! And I came online with no notificaaations... ;-;

I wanna do something productive, but I can't bring myself to. Like... I wanna write another romance novel or something. THOSE ARE ALWAYS SUPER DUPER FUN!!!! But... I dunno... Like... I just don't WANNA. And also my parents have been telling me things that make me feel like a bad person sometimes... They're all pointing out what's wrong with everything I say. Like when I say that I wanna be a musician and maybe get famous or something they're like, "You don't need to be famous" or "So and so was better than you at your age." It's... Kind of getting annoying now.

... I'd never be successful anyway. I was never successful at becoming well-known. I guess people are right... I could just like, give up or somethin'. :T

I mean, based off of what everyone's telling me it's like that's what they want me to do. I dunno.

I'm getting all annoyed and pissed off lately... And... I dunno. I guess people just don't get it.

Anyway, my blog posts are being all boring and stuff, so yeah. I guess I'll just post a bunch of random c... stuff... on  here. RANDOM STUFF!! YEAH! :D

f:id:PrincessDaisy1:20131120090401j:plain I wonder if anyone *wink wink nudge nudge* remembers this! This was me and some friends goofing around on Animal Jam. :T

f:id:PrincessDaisy1:20131120090531j:plain This is one of my favorite guy characters that I totally redrew from a drawing from a long time ago. He looked like this before:

f:id:PrincessDaisy1:20131120090645g:plain Haha... Big improvement, huh? It was a REALLY LAME series I was gonna start on Flipnote Studio, but I quit because no one paid attention to it, and the characters were drawn REALLY badly. But then I decided to redraw them one day, so yeah. ouo

f:id:PrincessDaisy1:20131120090852j:plain A picture taken of me like... Two years ago or something. I look hilarious. XD

f:id:PrincessDaisy1:20131120090935j:plain Aww... Aww man... This was when the news that FH was gonna close came out, and all hell broke out. I drew Brony all like "Where will our decisions take us?" ... ;3;

f:id:PrincessDaisy1:20131120091159p:plain Empire of Wubz blog icon. XD

f:id:PrincessDaisy1:20131120091227p:plain Empire of Pure Randomness OLD blog icon.

f:id:PrincessDaisy1:20131120091254p:plain Empire of Pure Randomness's current icon. ouo

f:id:PrincessDaisy1:20131120091348j:plain Obviously, a cover to an MV that I made. XD

f:id:PrincessDaisy1:20130707010207j:plain Niyah (Daaisu's older sister) in a fancy dress... Okay then! XD

f:id:PrincessDaisy1:20130707010144j:plain Niyah in some normal clothes I guess.

f:id:PrincessDaisy1:20130616041056j:plain Hey, who's that?! DAAISU!!!! :D It's a pretty old drawing by now. XD

So yeah....  I dunno. Baizles!