Whoa. I accidently typed that. XD

I was thinking of a name for this blog post, so I slapped the keyboard, and "Ren" came up. Weird coincedence, huh? XD

Anyway, ... I got Butterfly on My Right Shoulder stuck in my head. THANKS A LOT!!!
... Whatever, though. XD

Do you like Yelloidz? DO YOU EVEN KNOW WHAT THEY ARE?

Sorry for all the yelling. I'm kinda hyper. XD

I have to write this persuasive essay sort of thing for homework about why I don't like uniforms. We don't even have them at our school though, so I don't get why we need to write about that. Whatever. :T
ANYWAY, for the thesis, I was gonna write "I have three reasons to express my negative feelings towards unicorns". I really wanted to write that. XD

Although, some unicorns are nice. I mean, I've ran into some pretty jerky ones, but other than that, they're cool. ouo

... My parents are in the crawl space underneath the house talking about valves or something. Probably fixing something. I WANNA SEE WHAT IT'S LIKE DOWN THERE! XDDDD




Okay, I just went down there, and it's really small and sorta creepy.

And I saw this spider web with huge eggs on it...

... I don't wanna talk about it. I'm paranoid now. XD


Anyway, yeah.

I wanna listen to Vocaloid. XD



I really think that my crush at school might like me.

OKAY. You know how I nicknamed this other dude Red? Well this guy's name is gonna be Green. I have no idea why. Just 'cause. It's the Color Club! :D

So, I have three crushes, but I don't need to give Len a color, since he's not real and I won't need to talk about him with him over hearing. BECAUSE HE CAN'T! XD
But if he was real (OH MY GOSH, I would go crazy) I would call him Yellow. Obviously! XD


So yeah. But today, I overheard a conversation with him and this other girl talking about... I don't even know who, but she was asking him if he liked someone or whatever, and he was like, "Yeah" or whatever. I don't know who they were talking about, it could be anyone... But... Well, you know what comes next. I hope it was me... u///u

Okay, it probably wasn't... Who would like a weirdo like me...


I'm awesome! :D


I dunno.

I'm feeling weird. TOMORROW IS FRIDAY...

And I get to see my sister next Thursday, or maybe a little before! ouo

I'm excited to see her. She lives far away and she's way older than me, so yeah.


Yep! Well... Happy Thanksgiving everyone! Or... at least... Have a happy week... If you have a whole week off for Thanksgiving break like me. XD

Okai, bai now!
