Hair Dye, and a bunch of Random Crap.

Hai! So, right now I have this weird substance in my hair that came from a hair dye kit and it smells REALLLLY weird! Like... I don't know how to describe it! XD

Anyway, yeah.

Today was kinda boring. Pretty much all I did was watch My Little Pony. I have this song stuck in my head called Flutterborn.

AAAH. Darey isn't responding to me on 3DSPlaza. :c

She hasn't been online for two hours!! TWO. WHOLE. HOURS!!! Out of all things, this is the WORST. POSSIBLE. THING!!!!!!!!

(My Little Pony refrence. XD)

Okay, so I have this weird cap thing on my head right now, and little strands of hair sticking out of it, because we're dying my hair. It has this weird white substance on it right now. XD

So yeah. We did a test strand earlier, and it made my hair more gold, so we're doing little streaks of that color around my head! On my hair, of course. XD

So yeah!

I'm bored. o3o

What should I talk about?

My mom is out in the living room playing guitar and singing... o3o

She has a good voice. ^-^

I don't know if y'all knew, but my parents play in a bluegrass band, so that kind of music is in my house a lot.

Crap. I have an itch on my head and I can't scratch it... Aww well. Just try to forget about it...

Uh oh, my dad's home. He's gonna flip out when he sees me. XD


He just gave me a weird look. XD

I CAN'T WAIT TO SEE MY HAIR! I hope it looks good. o3o


That's a new face I just discovered. XD

^0^ Ooohhhh YEAH! :D


I dunno.

Here, wanna see a cute picture?


 And here's something else cute:




Okay, well, I gotta go y'all! Bai!
