Ooooh!!! I'm so NERVOUSCITED!!!! :D

I'm on the last episode of Vampire Knight for this season!!! :D

And then I get to go to the next season, which is Vampire Knight Guilty. ouo

They took out a lot from the book though... >:T


I've been being stupid all day. Just like... really dumb. XD

Oh... Poor Ichiru. :T

XD Sorry, random commentary.

Anyway, happy Christmas!! I have SO MANY presents so far, and I can't wait to open them tomorrow!!! I asked for pony stuff and.. stuff, so I hope I get lots of stuff. ouo

We just had a long conversation about goals and stuff like that. Some useful info I got actually... My parents are pretty smart. Just annoying sometimes. That happens. XD


I'm on Episode 13. ouo

Then it's on to Vampire Knight Guilty. I'M SO NERVOUSCITED!!!! :D

Okay, I keep raving about the theme song, so y'all wanna hear it?

SPOILERS AT THE BEGINNING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Just sayin'. It always has the very beginning of an episode, and then the song starts. But I think the song is epic. ouo

And that episode is pretty epic too.

So yeah... I don't really have anything else to say...

It doesn't really feel like Christmas time... To me at least. Just sayin'.

So yeah! Bai y'allz!
