A Bunch of Stuff...

Okay, first of all, I'm starting to think all the website accounts I have are pointless.

1. No one's paying attention to me (Haha, that sounds like me wanting it to be all about ME! XD)

2. No one ever gets online anymore

See, if I had a Facebook, I'd be fine, but even though I am old enough, my parents are like, "No! We're so over protective and stuff!"

Okay, I mean, I see where they're coming from. They want to keep me safe and stuff, I get it, thanks Mom, thanks Dad. The thing is though, I think I can handle having a Facebook. I mean, I have a deviantArt now, and that's probably LESS safe than Facebook! I'm talking to people I don't even know on there, and everyone can see my profile and stuff, while Facebook will let you put your profile on private, and I'd only be friends with people I know.

Anyway, I'm just ranting, let's talk about the fun stuff!

So, I'm obsessing over the tenth Doctor. I think you all knew that... Right?

But seriously, I'm like lovestruck Derpy. XD

If y'all haven't seen that, go watch it now! It's so cute and funny!

My school life is becoming far too complicated (it's not even the school work itself! That's fine!). It's all the drama and stuff that's making it complicated. I mean, I don't have superdramatic friends, but now having more crushes and stuff, things are just getting dramatic. You can help having a crush, right?

So technically, you can't help all the drama.
Bah. ono

Everytime I think about any of my big crushes, I get really jumpy and my heart like, goes crazy. I mean, it's fun... But I wish I could think about other things too. ono

Music's helping though! I'm really in love with this Owl City song called Hot Air Balloon. :D

It's really cool and sounds super happy. ouo

This guy is just so creative. XD

Anyway, my dad is wearing this beanie that looks like a jail hat. We have a bunch of jokes about it. XD

And now he's carrying Hazel around. SHE'S SO CUTE!!!!!!!! :D

And fuzzeh. ouo

I didn't get any homework at all today. I'm pretty sure.

I'm very sure.



I feel so proud.





I'm like, sad for no reason.



Being lovestruck is a lot of work, let me tell ya. ono

f:id:PrincessDaisy1:20140207105028j:plain These were the good, simple, fun days. ouo


Maybe it's just because it's winter right now...

Tomorrow's Friday. Woohoo! XD

I was in the TARDIS yesterday, just in case you didn't see my blog post. ouo

Okay, well, I'm out of stuff to ramble about, so bai!
