Today Is Music Day!!! XD

So, I'm bored and listening to a bunch of songs.

This one Rin and Len song called "Pinko Stick Luv" is totally describing my life with my crushes.

Here it is:

So, when I say it's Music Day, that means I'm just gonna listen to a bunch of music, post it, and kind of review it a little.

This song kind of reminds me of the typical American pop song (but obviously it's better 'cause it's in Japanese! XD). It's really happy sounding and... It really describes me with my crushes. Also, if you wanted to know, I don't really think I'm crushing on Len anymore. Okay, I still KIND OF am, so yeah. It's kinda sad. ono


I've liked this song for a while now, and it's probably my favorite Vocaloid song. :D

I like it because it brings me a lot of different emotions, it's super cute, and it just has a happy sound!!! I really like the PV too, 'cause the artwork is amazing. The story is also really creative and adorable. ouo

Aww Len, stop being so insecure with yourself. She likes you. XD

I mean, just look at all the romanc-y Len and Rin songs!!! So anyway, this song is my jam! It has a happy sound, and basically about Len blaming his looks because he thinks he's ugly and he wants Rin to like him, so I does a bunch of... rehab and stuff, I guess. ouo

This is an adorable song. ouo

I like it 'cause it has that happy sound to it... I don't really get the story, but whatever. It's great. :D

This song kinda creeps me out... But it also sounds SUPER COOL. I just love the music, and IA is a great Vocaloid. ouo

I just discovered this song, and I love it. :D

You can decide if you like it or not.

YES. Oh my god, this song is AMAZING. It's kinda dark sounding, but I just LOVE IT SO MUCH. I heard this mashed up with Ievan Polkka once, and it was SO COOOOL!!!! :D

So, listen to this song. It's pure epicness. :D

I also really like this song. It's been a favorite of mine for a while. c:

WHOA!! Where'd YOU come from?!

Heehee... David Tennant's just aduuuurable. ^u^

Okay, whar was that all about. XD

So yeah! Comment if you liked the songs (And the blooper video. XD)

Okay, bai!


 Oh and here, have a little gif thing from deviantART. XD
