Lovestruck Fanfiction Gladorbulousness :D

Hiiii! ouo

So, today was a very eventful day. The first thing that happened when I walked in was Ashley H came up to me with a TARDIS jacket, a dress with daleks, and cybermen and weeping angels and the TARDIS and all that stuff on it, she had TARDIS earrings (the same as Sylvia) and then she said she got a tenth Doctor shirt and a sonic screwdriver. I hate her but I love her. ;-;

I don't  have ANY Doctor Who stuff.

So, then I claimed her as my TARDIS 'cause I was being the genderbend of the tenth Doctor. It was so funny. I took my hair and put it on the side of my face like sideburns and I tied the rest of it in a ponytail. My glasses also look like the general shape of the Doctor's... So yeah. XD

Then Sylvia took on my lead and was the eleventh Doctor. Then we reenacted the scene where the tenth Doctor regenerates. It was hilarious and funny and dramatic. XD

So, basically, Ashy was the TARDIS, and Christina was the other side, and they held hands and made a big circle that we stood inside ad pretended they were the TARDIS. It was awesome. We had quite a crowd watching too. :D

The rest of the day, we started calling each other 'ten' and 'eleven'. XD

Then, Grace pointed out this thing on this mural that I THOUGHT was a galaxy (because the mural was of the big bang). It was blue with little white dots on it, so I thought it was just a little faraway galaxy, y'know? But then recently, Grace pointed out that it WASN'T a galaxy. So at passing period, we went to see it... AND IT WAS A TARDIS!!! No. Lie.

It was a tiny TARDIS at the top right of the mural. :D

Then, in writing we were supposed to write down three random topics, and pass the paper down so people could add to that. Then we got our papers back, and had to choose some topics we wanted to add in a story. So, I had written "time travel", "Japanese music", and "friendship". Some people added some other stuff like "Doctor Who" and "sonic screwdriver". So, I did time travel, friendship, Doctor Who, and sonic screwdriver. That basically sums up the whole show right there. XD

I wrote a five and a half page long fanfic that was basically about me and some friends accidently driving into a lake, I saved myself, Sylvia and I met the Doctor, we went back in time to watch it happen, then I told the group to not drive into the lake, but they did, and then we went back to to present and we ALMOST created a paradox, and then I became the Doctor's companion. :D

It was way more descriptive and awesome, though.

I kind of got the idea from Father's Day. That episode was awesomely creepy!!!! :D

What else happened today...

We sang brony songs really loudly at lunch and through the hallways... But we do that almost everyday. XD

At lunch we were singing Pony Rock Anthem and some other stuff... I think we also sang Love Me Cheerilee. I had that song stuck in my head all day and I was singing it all day. I barely know the lyrics... But I know them more or less. XD

Then we were singing Heartmender over and over again, and I was planning on writing a response song to it!!!!! <3

Heeheee. ouo

My dog's mad at me because I took her bone away. SHE WAS BITING ME 'CAUSE SHE THOUGHT I WAS GONNA EAT IT OR SOMETHING!!! She gets overprotective about stuff like that... XD


Next week is TCAP... That's like this test we do for our state and it's this REALLY BIG DEAL HERE. The tests are in these booklets and they're kinda... well, not hard but nervewracking. Then that makes it hard.

You probably do something similar...

ANYWAY. Onions from our food that we're cooking are making my eyes sting. XD

Okay, well, I gotta go! Bai!
