Schoolwork and Black Veil Brides!!! :D

Hello everyone...!!


I'm listening to Black Veil Brides now. And Falling in Reverse. XD

Anyway... I know I haven't posted for a while. /.\

It's just, it's the end of the school year and I have a lot of work piling up... I'm kind of busy. Also, I'm getting really into this book called The Book Thief, so I'm sort of getting distracted with that too. o3o

Oh yeah! I was reading the Snow Queen just a little bit ago... It's because earlier, one of my friends said that Frozen was sort of based off of that story.

So, I read some of it, and I can see why she said that. I just think... Frozen is more... not based off of the Snow Queen, but some parts are just inspired from parts in the story. c:

It's cool! :D

I'm sort of getting into classic literature more now... o3o

I also took down a whole list of books that I need to read... sometime soon.


... I hate everyone right now.

Just kidding. I love you. XD


I was just gonna say something... But...

I forgot. o3o


I might not be able to post everyday, guys... /.\

Well, I guess it's not like anyone cares anyway. I mean, Darey still comes here sometimes and some people from the Flipnote Hatena Group check my posts sometimes.

I'M GLAD IT'S FRIDAY!!!!!!!! >D<

Tomorrow I'm gonna have a lot of fun. I think. c:

I'm going to a party... It's not a birthday party, but one of my friends is leaving to go live in California, and she won't be coming back. ;-;


Anyway... I'm hungreh. o3o

Here, have Black Veil Brides' like, most popular song. XD


Okay, I just had a mini fangirl moment!!!!!! ^D^

Okay, bai. XD

~D.J. Badger