Awesome stuff.


So, I rode my bike to my summer camp today (This was written on Monday August 5th. XD) to chill with my friends there. The councilers were totally cool about it! They love me there. XD

Tomorrow Red will be there!!!!!! *Squeal* >///<

So yeah. ...

I'm just bored so... here's some awesome stuff:


f:id:PrincessDaisy1:20130806091304j:plain Yeeessssss. I posted this on my bedroom door. XD

f:id:PrincessDaisy1:20130806091355j:plain LOOK AT THIS!!! Bomb sauce, right?!!

f:id:PrincessDaisy1:20130806091423j:plain Friday with Pewds... Yesh. XD

f:id:PrincessDaisy1:20130806091439j:plain Adorableness, right?! XD


f:id:PrincessDaisy1:20130806091533j:plain WITH THE LEMONS!!!! WITH THE LEEEMMMOOONSSS. I don't even know. XD

f:id:PrincessDaisy1:20130806091610j:plain Eeeheeeeee. XD

f:id:PrincessDaisy1:20130806092235j:plain This was TWO WHOLE YEARS AGO!!!! .O.

This was me, my cousin Cassidy (to the right) and Emma, the girl with the shorter hair. XD

f:id:PrincessDaisy1:20130806092504j:plain Bomb sauce. XD

f:id:PrincessDaisy1:20130806092522j:plainMore bombness.

f:id:PrincessDaisy1:20130806092535j:plain Yep. XD

f:id:PrincessDaisy1:20130806092601j:plain OvO HG RULEZ.

f:id:PrincessDaisy1:20130806092626j:plainHehehehe!!! Barrels. XD

f:id:PrincessDaisy1:20130806092742j:plainKasane Teto!!! Adorableness! XD

f:id:PrincessDaisy1:20130806092839j:plain Yowane Haku and Akita Neru, the fanloids. :D

f:id:PrincessDaisy1:20130806093114j:plainThis was last summer in a breakfast joint in Iowa. I THOUGHT YOU GUYS MADE CREAM! NOT COFFEE MATE!!!! >:U


Anyway, hope you liked my boredness... Whateves.

'K bye! :]