Today's Events... XD

I'm startin' to get really jealous of this girl who keeps hanging out with Red...

So, this girl is so nice and she's like a REALLY good friend... but when I see her flirting with Red... GRRRR...

I went to the summer camp place today with my good friend to hang out with the camp kids. I'm not signed up for the day camp this week, so yeah...

Anyway, Tuesday and Thursday are 'swim days' for them. It's located at a rec center, so they have a pool. Anyway, I had SO MUCH more freedom than I did at camp! I went swimming, but I could get out when I wanted to, go to the 'Teen Center' without having to ask a counciler and all that bomb stuff. It was FUN!!!
So, my friend, let's call her 'D', knows about Red. She thinks he's sorta cute too... But I'm like, IN LOVE with him. >///<

She understands and stuff... She's cool like that. Even though we're totally different, we're really good friends. XD

So, she chilled at my house until like, 8:30 PM today.

BUT IT WAS SO FUNNY. So, we had to get out of the pool because the people saw lightning, okay? So, D and I went into the Teen Center and got some junk food, and we chilled with the C.I.Ts. You know... Red is one of them.

OH RIGHT. The C.I.Ts secret name is the Bubble Club.

Anyway, off topic. So, Red is part of the Bubble Club, right? So he was there with our other good Bubble Club friends that we call Tim and Fred. And Earl is sort of our friend... Sorta. (By the way, all these names are fake. They're just code names. XD)

So, D and I bought some stuff, and Red was talking to the person at the counter. He's a good friend of mine too, even though he's like a counciler sort of person. I KNOW EVERYONE AT THE REC CENTER, OKAY?! XD

So, Red was talking to... let's call him George... Yeah, whatever. (FAKE NAMES AGAIN. XD)

So, I was basically just staring at Red the whole time... you know... like, in movies how when the girl's crush is talking to her, she's just staring at him twisting her hair around her finger. XD

So, yeah. I tried to not make it obvious... But... Ya know...

Anyway, D and I were just talking and stuff... eating our candy and just chilling in the Teen Center. We decided to walk to my house because it's sort of close. Walking distance. So, after the Bubble Club boys left, we left too, since nothing else interesting was going to happen.

It was sprinkling, so we weren't too worried about the rain. I walked my bike the whole way, though, because D didn't bring like, a rolling thing, so we walked to my house.

So, we weren't very far from the Rec center, when it starts raining REALLY hard. We were like, pretending to hitch-hike, but we were really just joking. Good thing no one took it seriously, right?! XD

So, we were screaming and running in the rain and putting out towels over our heads because it started to get REALLY wet. We finally found a tree to camp under until the rain got lighter. We were laughing and finding the dryest spots by the tree, and tried to wait out the rain. Well, we needed to get home and the wait started to get long. We decided to run as fast as we could to the Starbucks down the road. My shoes got SOAKED because D was splashing water while we were running to Starbucks.

FINALLY we got there, and I locked my bike up outside, and we walked inside. She bought two cake pops and I bought a Double Chocolatey Chip Frappuccino.

We chilled at Starbucks for a while, then we decided we needed to get to my house ASAP. When we got outside, it wasn't pouring anymore, so it was a lot easier.

We walked onto one of those little island things on the road where the stoplight thing is. We were on this busy street called Wadsworth. Anyway, we crossed the street until we got to the highschool parking lot. We walked through the parking lot, and then finally we got to my house. I took my SOAKING shoes off, and we played music from the radio and stuff. I brushed my hair too, because it was all wet and tangled.


... So today, as you can see, was pretty eventful.

Tomorrow, I'm going to meet D at the rec center, and make my cousin give a note to Red for me. So, D and I are going to be standing sort of far away from him, and when he looks up at us after he sees who the note is from, we're going to turn our heads and walk off all coolly and stuff...

I think it'll be pretty awesome... X3

I'M JUST REALLLLLLLLY NERVOUS. I already have a bad reputation to him! D:

I just haven't had time to prove myself, and I wrote that in the letter...

But then I feel really stupid wrighting it...

But I can't keep my feelings in any longer and...

Anyway, this was probably really boring for you to read. XD
Au revoir! :D ~♥