Just Got Back From "Gravity".


It's a pretty legit movie. My parents and I went to go watch it in 3D at an iMax theater. ewe

It was weird... but still. Pretty epic. Y'all should go see it! :D
I brought one of my OCs with me. Kazume! I bring him like, everywhere. XD

HE'S REAL. And don't you dare tell me otherwise. o-o

Anyway, I was fangirling over him on the way there, so yeah. XD
... *Cough*Ic4nb3v3rystr4ng3*Cough*

Okay, so yeah.

I bet you couldn't read that. XD
Anyway, it was cool. Now I have Remote Control and The Wolf that Fell In Love with Little Red Riding Hood stuck in my head. I don't know HOW. I didn't listen to Remote Control at all today, and I only listened to the beginning of The Wolf that Fell in Love with Little Red Riding Hood (I need to come up with a shorter title for that...).

It's really rainy here right now. XD
ALSO, I heard that in California there's gonna be a Vocaloid concert on November 9th!!!! .O.

... It's an unofficial concert though...

BUT SO WHAT. It's still Vocaloid. I know I won't be able to go, and I'm mad about that... >:I

... I wanna go watch another movie 3D and in iMax soon... Like...

What's a good movie? I will create a movie. It's called... The Adventures of Vocaloid.

... XD
EQUESTRIA GIRLS. That would be LEGIT to see in 3D.

Well, at the part where Sunset Shimmer turned into that weirdo dragon monster thing. (Spoiler)

So yeah.

Today was sorta fun... I got ONE more sentence down so far in my fanfic!!!!!

... Yeah, I'm not feeling very motivated right now...

I dunno.

I just ate a pickle. ouo

Okay, bai now!


Hey! I made blog backgrounds by the way. I can also make blog icons. So, y'all can request something! Just not something too complicated. For backgrounds... Here's what an example looks like:

f:id:PrincessDaisy1:20131021071902p:plain You can do any color scheme though. This one's pink, of course. ^-^

Okay, bai! Seriously.