Hello There. ♪♫ RANDOM SYMBOLS. >:D

I don't want to do homework...

Luckily, we didn't get any Life Science homework today. I just have one page of math homework. >:D

But still. I'm too lazy. XD

I dunno. -3-

I'm just chewing bubble gum...

And... Being bored.

OH YEAH. I just added the major sad part of my story!!! oAo

It's beautifully sad... You'll get it when you read it.. TuT

Anyway, that's how my life is going so far. ouo

Taekwon-do sucked today... I was so tired, and my WHOLE ENTIRE right leg is jacked up. -3-'

And it hurts...

Anyway, I dunno.


I'm super consious about him now.

He kept wandering away from me... Or at least once. I was all sad, but then I found him, and then I kept thinking I lost him again, but he was just right there the whole time... XD


HEY. I need to do more of those Q&As!!!! .O.

Also... DJEvans is helping me with Project Daaisu. Everyone give her a round of applause.

*Claps in circles*

We're having some trouble with it. I can't figure out when the release date will be... It's still a really new idea, so yeah. But it'll be great once it's out! And figured out!!! .3.'

So yeah...


♪☻♥☺♦♫•♠∞♣◘○◙♂♀♫☼►◄↕§▬↑ ↓→←∟○▲▼Φ

I dunno.

I've had *tear* stuck in my head all day. It's by Kagamine Rin. ... Nice song actually. XD


I actually posted it a while ago...


Okay, bai now!
